SMDH! Trade Records Himself Following A Trans Woman Attacked By Men In New Orleans

Stuff like this bothers my spirits. A disturbing video was released on Facebook by Felicity Noire. A New Orleans trade boy records himself following a trans woman who was assaulted and beaten by a man with a gun. Trade also joined in while recording the scene and was convincing one of the boys to “shoot that b*tch.” Now this is what you called homophobia at its best. When will these people learn that when you dish out stupid, you get stupid in return? This here is no mistake.

The video was taken down by trade but Felicity got a copy of it, where it also got to TS Madison and Shauna Brooks.

With the help of TS Madison, Shauna Brooks, and other leaders of LGBT community getting this disturbing video out there, this isn’t just for a call for awareness but this is a emergency call to get these type of people that mean us no good off the streets. People need to realize that this is 2017 and the LGBT community is not having it. Y’all should take it from Bitter Burrell on how many of her blessings got blocked after that sermon. God don’t like ugly.